Visit South America on your terms.
Create your own personal style adventure, step-by-step.
We design, you chill.
We organize, you travel.
Explore the soul of South America, 6 countries, 6 wonders. From the Andes to the Amazon, from lush, dense forests to the driest desert on earth. Let your self be enchanted by natural and cultural heritage. Escape to a world of adventure, climbing, diving, hiking, exploring or just contemplating. Experience the warmth of South American hospitality and create memories to last forever!
Fanesca has a long history that dates back to pre-Columbian times, when the indigenous people of the Andes used to celebrate the harvest of different crops during the spring equinox. They would cook a soup with fresh grains and beans, such as corn, fava beans, peas, lentils and lupini beans (also known as chochos), which are native to the region.
"Sticta" is a genus of lichenized fungi, they are a unique type of organism that consists of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an alga or a cyanobacterium. They have a characteristically fishy smell (because of soluble amines), especially when wet.
Porotón is a legume that grows on a tree native to South America, especially in #Colombia, #Ecuador and #Peru. It has large pods containing white, fleshy seeds that resemble beans.
Wandering spiders are so-called because they wander the jungle floor at night, rather than residing in a lair or maintaining a web. Some species are being as large as an open hand. These spiders live mostly near ponds, rivers and other freshwater habitats, and can walk on water due to fine air-trapping hairs on the tips of their legs.
If you love nature and beauty, you don't want to miss the flowering of guayacán trees in Ecuador. These majestic trees burst into bright yellow blossoms that cover the landscape like a golden carpet. The spectacle lasts only a few days, usually between January and March, depending on the rainfall.
Here I will share my passion for literature. Whether you're a casual reader or a dedicated bookworm, in these posts are an excellent resource for discovering new books, and sharing your thoughts on your favorite reads.
These magical and incredible landscape are hidden among the heights of the Andes Mountains, in the most southwestern corner of Bolivia in the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve
Despite global warming, the Perito Moreno glacier, in Argentina, is one of the few glaciers in the world that continues to grow, about 2 a day, about 700 meters per year, it might be considered the Ferrari among glaciers.
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is a major source of reference for this kind of work.
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is a major source of reference for this kind of work.
October 4, 2013
Our travelers’ stories
Ecuador Mountain Tour – Feb. 2019
"It was a very nice trip and I would have made all the peaks (...I'm a little proud of that... ). Unfortunately, Cotopaxi ruined our plans. The glacier was in a bad condition after a warm/dry phase and was not passable. There were still about 400 meters missing. Since I was the last to descend (I still needed the break), there was at least a perfect sunrise. That's how it is in the mountains. Everybody has to be aware of that. But it was sensationally beautiful at Iliniza Norte. Great up there above the clouds. If you like to see wide landscapes and challenging trekking, this is the right place. Tour guide Frank Dietze is a funny and competent guy and we had a lot of fun."
E. Berger
18 Tage Bergtour – Ecuador – Okt. 2011
"...Unser Reiseleiter Frank war maßgeblich am Gelingen dieser wunderschönen Reise beteiligt. Durch seine Ortskenntnisse und den über die Jahre gesammelten Erfahrungen stellte er immer einen engen Kontakt zu Land und Leuten her. Die Organisation der Reise einschließlich Reiseverlauf waren perfekt. Ergebnis letztendlich die Besteigung des Cotopaxi von fast der gesamtem Reisegruppe. Die ausgewählten Unterkünfte haben mir sehr gut gefallen."
André Raabe
16 days Active trip – Ecuador – Oct 2021
"Tour guide Frank has an excellent knowledge of the country, can organize very well and is a very pleasant and patient person. Something that is very useful in Ecuador because something unexpected can always happen."
N. Denney
16 Tage Aktivreise – Ecuador – Feb. 2022
„Für mich war es eine traumhaft schöne Reise und ein abwechslungsreiches, buntes Programm! Frank ist so ein engagierter Reiseleiter, der uns das Land auf sehr authentische Weise näher gebracht hat und stets bemüht, dass alle Teilnehmer zufrieden waren. Zudem hatten wir den Wettergott auf unserer Seite. Kulinarisch waren wir ebenso bestens versorgt. Frank hat uns meistens in landestypische Restaurants geführt und dank seiner Beratung haben wir uns auch gern auf Unbekanntes eingelassen und es nicht bereut! Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich mich für diese Reise entschieden habe und kann sicher noch lange von den herrlichen Erlebnissen zehren!“
Elfriede Pfingstner
16 Tage Aktivreise – Ecuador – Nov 2021
„Ich habe wundervolle Tage in Ecuador verleben dürfen. Wir waren eine tolle Gruppe und hatten Glück mit dem Wetter und bereisten ein vielfältiges Land. All das wurde uns auf wundervolle Weise durch Frank unseren Reiseleiter nahegebracht. Mit seinem umfassenden Wissen hat er uns Einblick in das Land und seine Vielfältigkeit gegeben. Der Ablauf war perfekt organisiert und wo es nur ging, ist Frank auf unsere individuellen Wünsche eingegangen. Er hat alles, was ein guter Tourguide braucht. VIELEN DANK!“
T. Dietzel
Ecuador / Galapagos Oct. 2019
"The Ecuador/Galapagos trip was really rewarding in every way! I can recommend it to anyone who likes sea and mountains and is looking for a varied program with a super tour guide. Many thanks at this point for the beautiful program and the great organization."